Model Diagram Window

The model diagram window is the primary document of MSBNX. Each window represents a Bayesian belief network. Each window can only view a single belief network, but multiple windows can view the same belief network.

Controlling a Diagram Window

You can control the diagram window by:

The toolbar and status bar support "tool tips". When you hover your cursor over a toolbar button or a section of the status bar, a small message will appear explaining its function.

When maximized, a typical diagram window might appear as:

Note the window-specific toolbar at the right and the status bar at the bottom.

The toolbar supports saving, printing and zooming. See Model Diagram Window Toolbar for more information.

The Status Bar

The status bar tells about the state of the underlying model. From left to right, its sections or segments indicate:

Again, you mainly use "tooltips" to see these descriptions.

Direct Manipulation

As with most modern graphical applications, you can simply left-click you mouse on an object. The standard operations are these. 





Left-click on a node or text notation segment.

Make the selected object the target of the next operation. All previously selected objects are unselected.


Hold down the control (CTRL) key while left-clicking one or more objects.

Extends the selection to the objects clicked on.


Left-click on a selected object and move to the desired position.

Allows new arrangement of the displayed diagram.

Using Context Menus

Much of the functionality of MSBNX and its components is presented through context menus. To see a context menu for the diagram, right-click the mouse over any unoccupied space in the diagram. To see a context menu for a node (variable) or arc (edge), right-click on it.

See Context Menus for more information.

Performing Inference Using the Diagram Window

Inference can be performed directly from a diagram window.