Model and Node Properties

 Access this menu by one of the following methods:


The Model and Node Properties dialog is a floating window that allows viewing and manipulation of the properties of nodes and models.

Read the section on Properties and Property Types to use this window.

Using the Properties Window

This dialog window has three tabs: Node, Model and Property Types.

To change a value in any of the lists displayed using these tabs, double-click on the field or cell containing the current name. Usually, an edit box will appear, allowing you to type in a new value. For enumerated property values a drop-down list will appear allowing you to choose the desired value.

Each tab has a context (right-click) menu. This menu allows you to delete or edit properties. In the Property Types tab, the context menu has additional functions. See below for more details.

Handling Array Property Types

For both array property types and node states, this window allows you to add several values indexed by a number; for example State(0) or State(1). When you add a new property value to an array property type, the resulting list will change to reflect your editing, and it will also have a new value for the array, marked as "<unassigned>". This "placeholder" slot allows to you add as many values as you need.

The Node tab displays the properties belonging to the currently selected node, if any. To change an attribute,

The Model tab display properties belonging to the model or diagram itself. They are edited in the same ways

The property types tab displays all the property types declared for the model. The context menu for this tab contains the following entries.

Using this entry will delete the property type.

Using this entry will bring up a subordinate dialog that allows you to specify the information necessary to declare a new property type.

This menu item will cause the standard properties associated with a troubleshooting network to be added to the model.

This menu item will cause the standard properties associated with a diagnostic network to be added to the model.